Feather Extension Style Guide : Looks for Short Hair

Welcome to our Style Guide! This guide is for those with stylish short hair.

We offer a few different kinds of feather extensions here at One Fine Day Feathers. If you have short hair, you have the greatest versatility and you can work with all of them.

A quick note about length:

The average feather of the long skinny type measures 8.5 - 13 inches (21.5 cm - 33 cm). The best way to trim a long feather is from the top. This will do no damage to the quill, and it will keep the ends nice and sharp.

Look #1: Skinny Feather Fringe Frame ~

Feather hair extensions short hair pixie

A brilliant way to frame a fringed face, our skinny feather colour combos provide a bright and eye catching appearance!

How To:

You will need about 5-10 long loose feathers for this look. You will also need some hair ties or clips, a brush or comb, the included micro rings and application loop, and a pair of pliers to crimp the rings with.You'll also need a mirror (or a friend)

1) Part at the side. Decide where you would like your style parted for normal wear. Create a part here and make sure you're happy with it. Once you've decided where your final part will go, we will have to hide the micro rings nearby. Now do another part just 1-2 cm over from that one, which is where we will be working to keep the rings hidden away from the main part.

2) Now we can pick our first attachment point. Towards the front of the new part, pick out a strand of hair a few millimeters thick. Use the included application loop to put a ring on this strand. Once it's on, push the ring up about half a centimeter from the scalp. 

3) Place 1 or 2 feathers in the ring. We want to trim these to the correct length before we crimp, and the best place to trim is from the top of the feathers. Pull the feathers up through the ring, until the length hanging below is as short as you'd like. We will be trimming off this excess after we crimp. 

4) Make sure the feathers are facing outwards.  Angle the ring and feathers to the side, so they sit naturally in the direction you want them to go. Keep it about 1/2 cm from the scalp. You shouldn't feel it pulling on your hair at all. If it's pulling, take out the ring and re-angle it to try again. Make sure it is comfortable. Now crimp the ring flat with your pliers, and trim off all the excess feathers sticking out the top of the ring. And that's it for this step. Rings can be removed by just crimping the opposite direction.

5) You can do this 1 or 2 more times, depending on how many feathers you want. Simply move back a little behind the first ring, and place the next ring a centimetre or so further down the part. These feathers can be longer than the front ones. Simply repeat step 2 with another ring. If you're doing more rings, the shortest lengths should be in the front, and the longest in the back. And that's it for the attachments!

6) Once everything is in place, simply go back to your original part, which should now cover up your ring attachment points. Use a hair straightener if possible, to angle and smooth the feathers into your style. A little hairspray, mousse, or gel might help keep things in place.

And that's it, done! Just be careful when you brush, because now you've got some rings in the way, but as long as you brush very gently to avoid the attachment points on the scalp, this look will last quite a long time.

Look #2: Big Fluffy Feathers ~

A playful look that can can be worn bold with loads of feathers, or keep it subtle with just a few.

How To:

You will need anywhere from 1-10 short fluffy feathers. Clusters always look great, but you can place as many or as few as you like in each ring. You will also need some hair ties or clips, a brush or comb, the included micro rings and application loop, and a pair of pliers to crimp the rings with.You'll also need a mirror (or a friend ).

1) First we must decide where to place our feathers. Fluffy feathers require a bit of tactful placement, because the fluffy bit at the top can stick out if placed in the wrong area. The best place for fluffy, short feathers, is lower down on the head, or deep underneath a layer of hair. The central sides of the head, or behind the ear are ideal spots for fluffy feathers, as these areas blend the feather tops into your style and prevent them from standing out. Decide on a nice spot in these areas that works for you.

2) If you are going along the sides of your head, part horizontally along the chosen point. Clip or tie the upper half of the part out of the way. Pick out a few millimetres of hair to attach to. If you are going behind the ear, pick out a few millimetres of hair first, and then clip or tie the rest of your hair out of the way.

3) Use the application loop to place a micro ring onto the chosen strand. Place a feather (or a few feathers) into the ring. Make sure they are facing outwards. Angle the ring with your natural hair angle so it sits naturally. This is particularly important if you're doing the sides of your head, as a ring that's angled incorrectly will stick out and pull on your hair. Gently angle it, so it hangs comfortably and naturally.

4) Use the pliers to crimp the ring tightly down. Fluffy feathers have thick quills, so it's important to have a nice and strong crimp to keep them from sliding out.

5) Repeat the above steps until you have as many feathers as you'd like. You can make a new part below the first one to add fresh layers, or follow the original part and place some feathers behind the first ones. Remember to avoid placing fluffys along the top of the head, as they tend to stick out and look odd due to the angle in this area.

And that's it, done! The feathers will stay up to 6 months, but you can take them out at any time simply by crimping the ring the other way with the pliers. Enjoy your playful new look!

We hope you enjoyed our Short length style ideas. Remember, this is just a basic guide and with a creative touch, there are so many more ways to wear your feathers. Check out our different hair length blogs for more variations, and different concepts if you'd like more inspiration. Hopefully we've motivated your creative side!